Monday the 7th January.  The day before opening, tired but excited founders and staff gathered at our new building to put the finishing touches to our space before students arrived the next day.  The Agenda was on the Notice Board, computers were set up, books lined the shelves, drawers full of pens, pencils and paper, copies of the proposed Law Book sat on the sideboard.  We were ready.

Main Room

We all wondered what the next day, and weeks, and months would bring.  What will our students propose?  What friendships will be formed?  What cases will the Judicial Committee be faced with?  Our space is full of the promise of possibilities.

Art Area

Now two weeks have passed already and so much has happened.  Our Law Book was adopted and new Laws have already been added, by our elected Law Clerk a position held by a student not staff member.  The Judicial Committee saw it’s first complaint on day one when staff member Jay forgot to sign out, much to the amusement of the students and it has been busy every day since.  Our notice boards are now full of drawings, sign up sheets and proposal ideas.

Computer / JC Room

It took a full hour before the students exclaimed that they needed a system to work out whose turn it was next on the computer and a booking sheet was rapidly prepared and pinned up.  Each day when we switch off the lights the space returns to the calm seen in these photos and again holds the promise of possibility.  What will happen tomorrow?



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