Cookie use on the East Kent Sudbury (EKS) website
This page explains how we (East Kent Sudbury) use cookies on our website.
Cookies explained
A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes a unique identifier that is sent to your computer or mobile phone browser from a website’s computer and is stored on your computer’s or mobile phone’s hard drive. Each website can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser’s preferences allow it, which the site can then access when you visit it again to track online traffic flows, for example. A website cannot access cookies sent by other websites.
How EKS uses cookies
We use cookies to make sure our website works effectively and to improve your user experiences on them. Information supplied by cookies can help us work out how you use our site; for example, which pages you look at, and whether you experience any errors.
How to change your cookie settings
Changing cookie settings in your web browser
Each web browser has its own way of managing cookies. You can block or remove cookies yourself by altering the settings of your browser to block cookies or to send a warning notice before a cookie is stored on your computer. These changes will apply to all websites that you visit (unless you choose to block cookies from particular sites).
You should be aware that any preferences will be lost if you delete cookies. If you block cookies completely, many websites will not work properly and some functionality on these websites will not work at all. We do not recommend turning cookies off when using our website for these reasons.
To find out more, consult your browser’s help function. We’ve provided links to the relevant pages for some common browsers.
Managing and deleting cookies
Managing analytics cookies
Our website uses analytics tracking, and you can opt out of these cookies by clicking on the links shown below.
Please note that this will take you to the relevant third party’s website, and will generate a ‘no thanks’ cookie, which will stop those third parties from setting any further cookies; these changes will then apply to all websites that you visit.
Note that disabling analytics cookies prevents us from being able to collect information on how visitors use our website, which in turn limits our ability to improve the online experience.
Opt-out of Google Analytics cookies
Managing advertising cookies
We do not use advertising cookies on our website. However, some of the third-party plugins our site employs to enhance the content and features of our site include cookies for marketing purposes.
If you would like to learn more about how advertisers use these types of cookies or to choose not to receive them, please visit the Your Online Choices website.
You can find further information on disabling cookies at the All About Cookies website.